Growth of Chinese Market 2000-2020

While most industries are on hold, now is the ideal time to look back, before looking forward. As we plan for a future different to that which we expected, its worth looking back to where we came from and what the world looked like not to long ago. The turn of the millennium was both only a short time ago, and the distant past when it comes to our fast-moving world. When we take a moment to look back at how far we’ve come, and how much the world has moved on in two decades, it can better put into perspective the changes we currently face.

As we entered this millennium the Chinese population in New Zealand was sitting under 100,000, now twenty years on we are approaching a quarter of a million. For tourists the numbers are even for drastic, with under 35k Chinese visitors in 2000 to over 400k in 2019. International student numbers currently sit at over 50k, with China making up larger portions over the last decades.

Conservative estimates put the Asian population of New Zealand at half a million by 2040, even with a drastic change to global travel, the Chinese Market in New Zealand has grown too large for any company not to have targeted marketing strategy for them.

Chinese New Zealanders make up third largest demographic in New Zealand behind European New Zealanders and Maori. With half of the 200k speaking Chinese as their primary language over English, and 30k Chinese not speaking any English at all.

In addition to the seasonal population and visitors’ trends, the Chinese Market is concentration in urban centers. With Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch hosting over 80% of the domestic Chinese Market as well as being the gateway for all incoming travelers. This provider unique challenges and opportunities for targeted marketing.


Chinese International Students


Chinese Consumer Market