About KTM Solutions

KTM Solutions was founded on a vision to bring quality Chinese Marketing packages to all business sizes at affordable rates. Our marketing packages are individually tailored to cover small start up owner/operator businesses, to countrywide and international corporations.

A dedicated Chinese Marketing division is an investment beyond many businesses, with start-up and ongoing expenses exceeding a hundred thousand for even a single team member in this division.

Our expert marketers and account managers research each businesses from past, to present and potential future engagements to see how they can best utilise the Chinese Market domestically and internationally. We offer initial development of material, translations of sites/media, to ongoing support and event hosting.

KTM Solutions allows companies to outsource this expense at a fraction of the cost. The team are experienced and passionate across a range of industries and is passionate about providing the best service to not only our clients, but the greater New Zealand/Chinese community. Communication is the most important factor in any relationship, whether it is between you and your clients or different ethnicities across New Zealand.

Our team has over twenty years experience in the international Sales and Marketing industries our team are passionate about delivering tailored Marketing solutions to New Zealand companies to help grow business and develop relationships.

Our Team


Benjamin Dale

Born and raised in the South Island of New Zealand before embarking on over ten years of international business experience, Ben brings local knowledge, international experience and industry knowledge to develop marketing solutions for New Zealand companies.

Ben has over 15 years of experience in international sales, marketing and product development. Having worked with Chinese professionals and seen what passionate, expert marketing can do for all business sizes in New Zealand. Ben decided to bring this opportunity and his expertise to the Chinese Market.


Lillian Lu

Born and raised in China, Lillian, like so many Chinese felt the pull of New Zealand, first for study, then work, and now family. Lillian brings over a decade of Marketing expertise from both China and New Zealand. Lillian is passionate about tightening the bonds between New Zealand and China through better business solutions, from developing products tailored to the Chinese market and bespoke marketing campaigns, and helping small start ups build into great successes.